ISTQB Foundation Level Exam - Basic Information

Today, I shall be talking about the basic information for ISTQB Foundation Level exam. Again, this information is for the exam conducted by Indian Testing Board. It might be different for exams conducted by other national testing boards. Please refer to the websites of your respective national testing boards for details.

Target Audience: ISTQB Foundation Level exam aims to evaluate the understanding of basic software testing concepts gained by an individual. It helps everyone use a common terminology for discussing software testing issues and is useful for all team members of a software project. It is equally useful for developers, testers, project leads as well as project managers.

Examination Format: In India, the Foundation Level exam consists of 40 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth 1 point and you need to answer at least 26 questions correctly in order to successfully clear the exam. This is a closed book exam, meaning you are not allowed to take along with you any books or other study material with you in the examination hall. Also, the candidates need to physically visit the examination center in order to appear in the exam. The exam is not administered online presently. A total of 75 minutes are available to answer all the questions. However, one good news is that there is no negative marking. So, make sure that you do not leave any question unanswered, even if you are not sure of the correct answer.

Examination Fees: The examination fees for general candidates is Rs 4000/-. However, for candidates from accredited training institutes or employees of affiliated companies, the fees is Rs 3500/- (please look at my previous post for details). Once deposited, the fees is non-refundable. However, you can request for a change in the examination date or venue at least one month prior to the scheduled examination date.

Re-examination Fees: You need to pay Rs 2500/- for re-appearing in the FL exam, if you are not able to clear it in the first attempt.

Results: Examination results are usually available within 2 weeks. All candidates, who clear the exam successfully, should receive their certificates within 8 weeks.

Validity: ISTQB Foundation Level certification is valid for life.

Difficulty Level: Based on my experience as well as that of my friends, I can say that the exam is not really tough. Even though you might be coming across a number of posts in which aspirants are looking for study material and books for the Foundation Level exam, I sincerely believe that a thorough study of the syllabus and glossary of terms available at the Indian Testing Board website is enough to help you successfully attain this certification. However, experience always helps. Even though no experience is officially required to be eligible for sitting in the Foundation Level exam, I would recommend that you work for at least 6 months in a software testing role before appearing in this exam. This way, you will be able to relate the concepts that you study, with your experiences in real life as well as increase your chances of success in the exam.


  1. thanks a lot for the info.its very useful . in case we dont qualify in the first attempt , how soon can we apply again for the foundation level exam. pls msg me to .

    would appreciate your reply and thank you in advance

  2. hi,

    i am not able to open the enrollment link for foundation level..can you help

  3. Thanksalot for sharing infomation

  4. Now a days im hearing about ISTQB/BCS...what is it use full..? Will it be consider by Indian Companies..?

    please Reply soon...Planning to attend exam in July 2012..


  5. Hello,
    What Kind of study material need to prepare for clearing this exam?From which institute I can able to give the exam & before that I feel need to be trained for this exam.
    I've around 4 years experiences in Manual testing completely. Is this fine for this certification?
    My mail id-
    Thanks in advance!


  6. Hi

    I want to write Foundation level exam and I have 8 months of experience in testing field. Reading dumps will help to clear it or I need to study any material. Please help me

  7. Hi,

    Im working as a tech consultant in s/w comp.
    im not satisfied wid d job as it involves vry lil technical stuff.

    I can't attend weekend classes due to personal reasons.

    im preparing for ISTQB exam.

    Please tel me how to plan/what strategy to be used to study well and successfull clear d exam.?

    Anticipating your reply..

  8. HI Everyone,

    I want to so ISTQB Certification so could anyone please send me dump or some stusy mattarial for the same. Thank you.


  9. Hye Friends,
    I want to do ISTQB certification so please send me the dumps and other material which is necessary for the exam .
    vaibhav gupta

  10. Hi All,

    I am thinking of appearing for ISTQB foundation level exam within a month's time span.

    Please help me with what would be the best preparation material and also the latest dumps, if any.

    Thanks in Advance,

  11. Friends i will tell most easiest way to clear ISTQB exam. Download the syllabus copy from ISTQB Website and mug it up thoroughly. I can assure you 90% marks. my email id is

  12. hai friends,
    Iam taking ISTQB foundation level exam this month.
    please send me recent dumps it will be helpfull for me.Thanks in advance
    MY mail id is

  13. Hye Friends,
    I want to do ISTQB certification so please send me the dumps and other material which is necessary for the exam .

  14. Hi Friends,

    Pls guide me how to take up the Re Exam If NOT cleared in the first Attempt. I read in the blogs that need to pay Rs 2500 again but is there any time limit between first and second attempt. Pls let me know if anyone has a clear idea about it


  15. Hye Friends,
    I want to do ISTQB certification so please send me the dumps and other material which is necessary for the exam .

